-A Beyond Momma post, in honor of a friend-
Once upon a time you wrote me a letter, back when people sent real words through the mail and addressed an actual envelope with stamps. I still have the letter in a box with my college memories. "I think you should send every story you can to publishers," you wrote. "You're talented. It made me proud to read your work in Schmidtberger's class." It's hard to find others with an appreciation for writing and literature. You understood those things, like the other English majors in our small friend group in college. We thought we were pretty cool, didn't we? Sitting under the trees with Dr. Conlon, talking about Cervantes. Or maybe it was poetry. I loved that you appreciated my weirdness. You once wrote down the lyrics to 'The Land of the Lost' TV show theme song, just because I asked you to. "Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition..." I don't even think you questioned why.
Fast forward years later, we met up at the garden center, looked at flowers and talked about The Cloisters. I was grateful for your friendship. There weren't many like you- kind and funny and thoughtful, interested in growing vegetables or flowers, or whatever it was that we were looking at together that day.